Wednesday, July 2, 2008


I just found this great website and a great give away. The blog is Incredible photography of butterflies being released back to nature. She is hosting a fabric giveaway. Hurry over and sign up, then come back. She was talking about hoarding fabric and beautiful stashes of folded fabric. Well I will show you one of my stashes later today. Hurry back.

Part 2

I wanted to share with you one of my stashes. That sounds so naughty! This is where I hide...I mean store my designated fabric. That means the ones that have a specific use already chosen as compared to the ones I buy just because i like them. Here is clue #1 Can you guess where they are??

This is in my current studio. My new studio is under construction. Here is Clue #2 Its a very cool place!!
Final Clue.......
This is the fridge in my motor home!!!


Anonymous said...

too funny!

Unknown said...

I thought I was the only one to do something like this! I use the freezer in my basement! Hey it works, and i can shut the door on the mess! Maybe someday I will be brave and post a picture too! Melinda

Kristine said...

Glad to see I'm not the only one hiding things in appliances!!!
Note to self!.........
NEVER pre-heat the oven without checking inside FIRST!!!!!

Jenny Carter said...

Thanks for visiting my blog. Remember to enter my blog giveaway. If you have not already. :)

Nice stash! Interesting storage closet.
