Monday, January 25, 2010

Sunny Day in California

After sooo many days of rain we busted out and went to Disneyland. A little bit of sunshine before the next storm hits tonight.


carla said...

HI!!!!! Looks like you all had some fun!!!! Yaa!!!! hugs carla

chinamommy said...

this made me weep.... i live in west michigan- need i say more?
As Napoleon would say "LUCKY"

hapi said...

Hi Kathie, Nice blog! How to add the Glitter Effect Mouse Pointer to your Blog

Anonymous said...

hiii kathie it was relly nice visit in ur blogg....

way of the world said...

Hello, you're talking here is the owner of the blog, created this blog to talk about world news and other things and I wanted you to follow the site and comment, would be grateful, even more so THANK YOU!

Unknown said...

nice blog

Tilers in London

Kathryn M. said...

Beautiful photos! :) I'd like to be there! Wheter is so ugly here :(