Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Newest addition

Can you make a guess??? Whats inside??? Where is she??? I never thought my bra would be on the Internet but her it is and here is Raizin'!! Raizin is the 1.5 Lb addition to our household.

We don't know what Raizins daddy is but mom is a longhair black dauschand ( weenie dog). My daughter always wanted a tiny dog. Our Labradoodle puppy is 6 months old and 45 lbs. Big difference !!

I had my surgery on Monday, May 18th and when I came home Raizin was my bed buddy. We both slept all day and had to get up to pee every 2 hours. Our timeschedules bonded us as fast friends.

Thank you for all the well wishes on my recovery. Hubby is covering the daycare for me while I am not allowed to bend or lift for 6 weeks. Poor man, 1 week into the job switch and he is about to snap!! Its not easy being ME!! I, on the other hand have been sequestered to my studio. I have been sewing my fingers to the bone...happily!! I have been working on some swaps, needfuls and bringing life to many designs dancing in my head. Stay tuned for tons of new stuff, new designs and (fanfare) a new line of patterns. Busy Busy busy!!


Allison said...

Hey Kathie,

This is Allison your Annie Swap partner. I'm hoping to get your Annie in the mail tomorrow if not early Monday morning.

You can email me at
ajknight6 @ yahoo com

Lida said...

Hi Im Lida your partner at the Paper Bag Swap and I would love to get in touch with you, I emailed you and it failed so hope you can email me at
lidikebrimisu @ gmail.com

Folk Art From The Harbor said...

Hello Kathie! Come On Over To Folk Art From the Harbor and see what you WON!!!!!!
Hugs BeCca